This will go over my workflow for Scanned Images.
This is my aperture workflow for scanned pics.
First things first - we need to get the images scanned in. Fortunately the folks over at figured this out pretty easily. I simply packaged up my photos and negatives and shipped them off. Now a couple words of wisdom on this - as I have several thousand that I have now started working through. First - Organization is the key. Using baggies bag and tag the relevant “projects” - Make sure you Identify both the negatives and the pics. In general negatives definitely come out better. I opted for both - often times the negatives come out better but sometimes the pic is all you have. Once I have them in digital form then I do the following:
1.) Get the negatives and pictures back in sync. This is a huge time consuming process but pays off because then the timeline can be preserved. I named the pic xyz_.jpg and the negative xyz_s.jpg. The tool a A Better Finder Rename comes in real handy here.
2.) Figure out when / where the pic was taken. This is another very time consuming piece.
3.) Using A Better Finder Attributes - “Change the date the original photo was taken” to the correct date.
4.) Import into Aperture into a new project.
5.) If you are bringing both the negatives and the photos in use stacks to stack them. Bring the negative to the first one in line..
6.) Grade them. I use this as my reference thanks Mark Jaquith
-1 Unusable
★ Keep
★★ Show
★★★ Share
★★★★ Boast
★★★★★ Flaunt
7.) Keyword them. Make sure you identify the scans (35mm/35mm negative)
8.) Geotag them using mapture.
9.) Push them to picassa using Aperture to Picassa plugin.
10.) Push them to smugmug for archiving using ApertureToSmugMug.
That's it!! Simple eh...
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