Wednesday, June 4, 2008

The Weird Economics of Information

This is an insightful blog article on the information sharing with respect to VC. Fundamentally I think Brad hit the nail on the head - and to me this almost seems obvious; The more you know the easier it is to share and not feel threatened by opposition. To me it's about a comfort zone.

His suggestion that:

an entrepreneur should be open with everyone, and that they will get the most value out of being open with the people who are most knowledgeable about the particular problem they are trying to solve. The people most knowledgeable about a problem are also the ones best positioned to compete with the entrepreneur, so the entrepreneur has more to gain and more to lose by being open with these people. From one perspective, the risks and rewards of being open are perfectly balanced. Every insight comes at the cost of another potential competitor, but that calculus leaves out the whole problem of execution. If an entrepreneur is incrementally more prepared to execute on an idea that the person they are sharing it with, they should still gain even if they engage in an open (and equal) exchange with a potential competitor.

Read more from Brad at Union Square..

The Weird Economics of Information

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